Friday, December 5, 2014

Contoh Bargaining


Lucy: Does this come in any other colors?

Man: Yeah, we have this one in white and blue. I also have this other style in green.

Lucy: How much is the blue one?

Man: It's $32.

Lucy: $32? What about the green one?

Man: That's $30.

Lucy: That seems a little high. Can you do better on the price?

Man: This is a designer bag and it's good quality. It's a bargain at that price.

Lucy: Is that your best offer?

Man: That's the best I can do.

Lucy: Well, I don't know. I think I'll shop around.

Man: Okay, how about $28.

Lucy: That's still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take the blue one and the green one?

Man: I'll give you both of them for $55.

Lucy: That's not much of a break on the price. How about $50 for both?

Man: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is $54. You won't find it cheaper anywhere else.

Lucy: Why don't we split the difference and make it $52?

Man: Okay, okay. You've got a deal.

Shopkeeper : Good morning madam. How can I help you?

Customer    : I want to buy a beautiful frock for my daughter.

Shopkeeper : How old is she?

Customer    : She is 2 years old.

Shopkeeper : Do you want causal or party wear.

Customer    : I want party wear.

Shopkeeper : Do you want any particular colour?

Customer    : No, but the frock must be very attractive. Show me only the latest stuff.

Shopkeeper : Do not worry madam. We have latest stock. Which size do you want?

Customer    : I do not have an idea about the size.

Shopkeeper : No problem. See this frock. I think this size will be ok for her.

Customer    : Yes, I also think so. Do you have black colour in it?

Shopkeeper : Yes, we do have.

Customer    : What is its prize?

Shopkeeper : It is of 2000 Rs.

Customer    : It is too expensive. I will give you only 1500 Rs.

Shokeeper   : We are charging reasonably from you.

Customer    : I will not give you more than 1500 Rs.

Shopkeeper : Ok. If you are insisting, give 1800 Rs.

Customer    : No. You are over charging.

Shopkeeper : Now I have left my profit. Give me 1700 Rs.

Customer    : I am giving you 1600 Rs.

Shopkeeper : You won. Give the money.

Customer    : Pack the frock in a nice box.

Shopkeeper : Here it is your bag.

Customer    : Thank you.

Shopkeeper : Thanks for shopping here. Have a nice day.
Translate Contoh 2 :

Penjaga Toko: Selamat pagi Madam. Bagaimana saya dapat membantu Anda?

Pelanggan     : Saya ingin membeli gaun yang indah untuk putri saya.

Penjaga Toko: Berapa umurnya?

Pelanggan     : Dia berusia 2 tahun.

Penjaga Toko: Apakah Anda ingin memakai kausal atau partai.

Pelanggan     : Saya ingin memakai partai.

Penjaga Toko: Apakah Anda ingin warna tertentu?

Pelanggan     : Tidak, tapi gaun harus sangat menarik. Tunjukkan hanya hal-hal

Penjaga Toko : Jangan khawatir Madam. Kami memiliki saham terbaru. Ukuran
Mana yang Anda inginkan?

Pelanggan     : Saya tidak punya ide tentang ukuran.

Penjaga Toko: Tidak masalah. Lihat gaun ini. Saya pikir ukuran ini akan ok

Pelanggan     : Ya, saya juga berpikir begitu. Apakah Anda memiliki warna hitam
di dalamnya?

Penjaga Toko: Ya, kami memiliki.

Pelanggan     : Apa hadiah nya?

Penjaga Toko: Ini adalah 2000 Rs.

Pelanggan     : Ini terlalu mahal. Aku akan memberikan Anda hanya 1500 Rs.

Shokeeper     : Kami pengisian cukup dari Anda.

Penjaga toko  : Saya tidak akan memberikan Anda lebih dari 1500 Rs.

Penjaga Toko : Ok. Jika Anda bersikeras, berikan 1800 Rs.

Pelanggan     : tidak, Anda selama pengisian.

Penjaga Toko : Sekarang saya telah meninggalkan keuntungan saya. Berikan 
aku 1700 Rs.

Pelanggan      : Aku memberimu 1600 Rs.

Penjaga Toko  : Anda menang. Berikan uang.

Pelanggan      : Kemas gaun dalam kotak yang bagus.

Penjaga Toko  : Berikut ini adalah tas Anda.

Pelanggan       : Terima kasih.

Penjaga Toko: Terima kasih untuk berbelanja di sini. Have a nice day.

Sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita.
Tunggu postingan berikutnya yaa !!